When you register to participate in the CPAF 2024, you agree to abide by the CPAF Rules and Regulations. Please read them carefully.


We have answers!

Please read these FAQs carefully. If you have any questions not answered here, please let us know. More people might have the same questions and we can add them.

A. For a more timely answer to any inquiries or questions, please fill out our contact form and we’ll respond within 48 hours.

A.  Yes, this was new to our Festival in 2023. We require each performer to purchase a CPAF 2024 Society Membership (a cost of $10) to be paid before you register to participate in the Festival. If you need help with the new process, please click here for a PDF

A.  No changes to your schedule may be made after registration is complete. A $25 administration fee will be applied to all cancellations. Please check your schedule carefully before you enter the Calgary Performing Arts Festival.

A. That’s a great question.

  • Before Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024, all cancellations will be charged a $25 administration fee.
  • Between Feb. 1 and April 1, 2024, CPAF will provide refunds for half your class fee minus a $25 administration fee.
  • After the Saturday, Apr. 1 deadline, no refunds will be given.

A. Our registration site accepts major credit cards.

A. Simply purchase a membership. From there, you can see all performance class options for both groups and solo.

A. All young performing artists 25 and under (by the end of May 2024) are eligible to participate in CPAF. Our age categories are

  • 9 years of age and under
  • 13 years of age and under
  • 17 years of age and under
  • 22 years of age and under
  • Adults

A. You must provide your own accompanist.

A. YES! Friends and family are welcome to watch, cheer you on and maybe sing along… We want participants to gain as much experience and insight as possible from each performance. You are encouraged to stay for the public group adjudication feedback sessions (tentatively scheduled for every 45 minutes).

A. You can’t edit your registration once the registration period (Nov. 1, 2023 – Jan. 26, 2024) closes. However, if you spot an error or need to make a change prior to Feb 1, 2024, please contact registrations@cpafestival.ca.

A. CPAF reserves the right to record, film, web-stream or broadcast any part of the Festival events. Participating competitors grant CPAF the sole and exclusive right to use these recordings.

A. Your membership serves you for various reasons, from offsetting the cost of performance venues to strengthening our position with stakeholders and required governance. This allows us to access sponsorships and funding that supports CPAF.

A. When you register to participate in the CPAF 2024, you agree to the set fee schedule outlined in CPAF 2024 Fee Schedule. Fees are determined by age, the projected length of performance, and the quantity of performers on stage. Fees paid offset the associated costs of Adjudicators and Facilities. At no point do your fees cover administration and general organizational expenses.

A. Participants receive feedback in written form and in person. We also strive to provide appropriate adjudication for today’s online world. Please see our practices here

Adjudication Practices

– Read how you will be Adjudicated